Disclaimer: I am only dipping my pen in George's inkwell. No credits, Republic or otherwise, have been exchanged.

Mine to Share

Part Five


They faced off in the small darkened chamber that separated the two rooms.

"Don't be such a hero," whispered Alee. "I'm not hiding in here while you get yourself killed. You need my backup, partner. You get through this void so you can use the Force. I'll follow up and deal with the creature."

Corran took in the obstinate thrust of her chin. "You can't even stand," he spat.

"Then I'll crawl."

"So glad I'm in charge," he muttered. Stubborn and right are a grim combination.

"Let's do it, Jedi."

Corran exploded from the alcove. He bowled over a sentry and kept going, straight toward two clumps of stormtroopers at the far end of the room. As they turned toward the disturbance he let loose a prolonged rebel yell.

Alee slipped quietly into the room, leaning heavily on the wall. She shot the prone sentry as he took aim at Corran's back. She stumbled and fell between the unmoving stormtrooper and the wall.

Corran opened fire as he ran. Red darts spit from his blaster. Two soldiers on the right fell. Then another. They finally started returning fire. He wove as he ran. Almost through.

Alee swung her blaster and rested it on the dead soldier. She searched for the creature. It was on the other side of the throne. She did a double take. Myco sat on the throne, statue-like, watching Corran hurtle toward death. She took aim. Sighed. Realigned her sights to take in the creature.

Corran burst from the void. The Force rushed in to fill it. He opened himself completely to the flow. The blaster fell from his hand, replaced by his lightsaber. He planted his right foot, swung left, deflecting two bolts. He dived and rolled, lasers spitting chips into the floor behind him.

Alee fired. The Force wrapped around her. Shouts echoed through the entrance behind her. She shifted and pushed hard with the Force. The emerging soldiers were flung backwards. Clattering and curses spewed forth as a domino effect sent the troopers sprawling. She swiveled the blaster and sprayed the entry.

Nine left. Corran sprang to his feet and charged between the two groups. Red fire erupted in front of and behind him. He dove. The lasers tracked him, becoming a deadly crossfire. Three stormtroopers crumpled. Corran rolled. He pushed himself to his feet and spun. Green light arced around him and through the two closest soldiers. He pivoted to face the four left guarding the main doors. A Force-enhanced battle cry froze the combatants.

Alee sprinted at the stormtroopers. She launched, somersaulting through the air. Her lightsaber ignited, turning her into a cartwheeling blue blur. She landed four paces to the left of Corran.

"Had to even the odds," she said, as she parried two shots.

Corran grinned. "How do you do that without burning the cloak?" He deflected a bolt and side-stepped another.

"Move very fast." She pivoted and redirected a red flash.

The stormtroopers stepped back in unison.

Corran frowned. Someone's coming.

The doors flew off the hinges, crushing the four soldiers. A dark figure stepped through the archway.

"Luke!" Corran cried.

The Jedi pushed the hood of his cloak back and smiled. "Looks like you didn't need my help, after all, Corran." He paused. "Who's your friend?"

Corran turned to Alee. Her face was stormtrooper white. Her chest heaved. She locked eyes with Corran. Oh, oh.

"You betrayed me, sithspawn," she hissed. She swung her blade at Corran's head. He ducked.

"You knew all along he was coming." She thrust at Corran's left side. He blocked her blade and sidestepped. If she were angry I'd be cut in half by now. She feels sad ... hurt...

"Alee," he shouted, "I didn't know." He jumped back. Light skimmed past his nose.

"You ... you ... hero!" Alee yelled as she swung her lightsaber up, over and down.

Corran stepped into the attack. Blue met green. The blades screamed as they fused together. Corran returned Alee's stare.

"I swear," he whispered, "I didn't betray you."

The lightsabers sizzled. Alee's nostrils flared. She delved into his clear green eyes. She nodded, stepped back and flicked off her blade. Corran exhaled slowly and let his lightsaber go dark.

The two Jedi turned as one to face Luke. He stood, arms crossed, eyebrows high.

Slow clapping echoed around the room. Commander Myco advanced regally, baton tucked under his arm.

"Excellent performance," he said. "Truly commendable. Though I cannot say I approve of the ironic twist that changed it to a tragedy." He executed a small bow in Luke's direction. "At last we meet, Luke Skywalker. I had hoped it would be under different circumstances."

Luke nodded and returned the formal tone, "Commander, consider yourself under arrest by the forces of the New Republic. You will be returned to Coruscant to be tried for kidnapping, as well as a host of other charges."

"No. I would prefer to stay at the helm and die with my ship, as it were."

"Die?" Corran interrupted.

"Yes," said Myco, turning to Corran. "This young upstart," he waved at Luke "had the temerity to show up for your rescue in a battle-ready Mon Calamari cruiser. A most unexpected development. Amongst other things, it interrupted my hunt for you." He sighed. "I assume they will want to level my headquarters and any other Imperial installations on the planet. I will die in command."

"That doesn't answer why you would choose death," Corran pointed out.

"The imprisonment they have planned for me is no life."

A squad of New Republic soldiers marched into the room and surrounded Myco.

"Your choice is one I cannot allow you to make, Commander," Luke stated sadly. He motioned for the guards to take him away.

As he left, Myco threw a final comment over his shoulder, "At least your master is a courteous fellow, Horn. You would do well to learn that."

Luke's eyes sparkled. "Being your usual charming self, Corran?"

Corran shrugged.

Luke looked at Alee, his face a question mark.

"Ah," Corran spoke up "this is Alee ... Nardo."

Luke's eyes darted to Corran and back at the hesitation.

"Hello Alee," Luke said gently. "I sense you and I have a lot to talk about."

Her eyes grew wide. She took a step back. Corran felt her unease edge toward panic. He reached out with the Force and projected his presence into her awareness. The panic bled away. Distraction. I need a distraction.

"Luke," he blurted, "I need to retrieve my X-wing."

A smile brushed Luke's lips as he allowed himself to be sidetracked. "Already done, my friend. You have a very efficient R2 droid. It signalled us as soon as we entered the system. Nice paint job, by the way."

Corran shuddered. "It's hideous."

Luke snorted in agreement. He turned to Alee in time to see her collapse. Corran dropped to his knees.

"It's all right, Corran," Luke soothed. "Use your senses. She's just in a Jedi hibernation trance. What was her status coming into this fight?"

"In need of repairs," Corran replied.

"She's getting them." He crouched and fingered the edge of Alee's cloak. "I'd say you owe me a story."

"It's not mine to tell."




"It was a quick layover on Coruscant. I was visiting Leia, when Mirax comes charging into the apartment with CeeThreePeeOh shuffling behind, waving his arms and shouting ' Oh, dear. Oh, dear Oh, dear.'" Luke imitated the droid.

Corran burst out laughing. He fell back in his chair, still chuckling. "I can just see it."

"I have no idea how Mirax got past security," Luke continued, "but she was like a raging Wookie. It was beautiful. She was sure something had happened to you. Demanded we go see General Cracken."

"So what did you do?" Corran's shoulders shook with silent laughter.

"The only thing I could do. I immediately surrendered." Luke grinned. "That's quite a woman you have, Corran."

"But keep her away from Mara?"

"You said it. Neither of us would stand a chance." Luke paused. "There's no point in going back into hibernation, Alee. You can't hide there forever."

He looked over his shoulder at the woman on the bunk behind him. Alee glared at him and sat up.

He took in the yellowing bruise on her left cheek, let his senses probe her leg, her ribs. "Feeling better?" he asked.

"Fine," she clipped.

"I think I'll head topside. See how long until we revert to realspace," Corran said as he made a hasty exit.

"Come sit where it's more comfortable." Luke sensed her hesitation. "I'm not your enemy, Alee. I can feel your connection to the light side, the power of it, the purity. We're on the same team."

She rose and moved across the small room. When she sat, Luke held out her cloak. "Corran thought you might want this as soon as you awoke." She nodded and laid it on the armrest as she sat down. He continued, "It's quite old. The inscription is rather cryptic: ' The Master is Padawan to the Knight'. It means a lot to you." She nodded again and blinked rapidly.

He sighed. "I would like to hear your tale, Alee. Corran gave me the impression you might be a little ... ah ... reluctant to share it."

She snorted. "He told you I was stubborn."

"Yes. And arrogant. And a couple other things. If he's right, I think the two of you are much too similar to work well together. I wonder how you managed this time?"

Alee smiled. "Your wisdom is noted. We do grate on each other a little bit."

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Just a bit?"

She shrugged.

Luke leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. "Corran told me everything he could of your imprisonment." Alee tensed. He shook his head. "He very judiciously left out any confessions he may have wrangled from you. He also requested any monitor recordings from your cell be destroyed. For someone who grates, he's being very protective of you."

"He's a good man. Honorable," Alee said softly.

"Yes. ... Talk to me," he pleaded. "I sense I could learn a lot from you. Somehow ... you remind me of Ben."


"Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Her eyes grew wide. "You knew Obi-Wan?"

He stared. "You knew Obi-Wan?"

Serenity slipped into the room. Luke watched Alee close her eyes, tip her head as if someone were caressing her neck. He sensed ...Obi-Wan? ... no, someone else, someone close - close to Alee and Obi-Wan. The feeling disappeared. Luke spotted a single tear running down Alee's cheek.

He spoke quietly, "I sense something about you that is ... out of place ... out of time. I don't know. I don't suppose you want to share what just happened?" She shook her head. "I didn't think so. There's something blocking you from speaking..." Luke trailed into thoughtfulness.

Alee spoke, "Master Yoda."

His head jerked up. "Yoda? You knew Yoda, too?"

She nodded. "Master Yoda forbade me from meeting you. Though now I'm not sure if he meant ever, or just then."

"He could be very bossy."

"Yes," she agreed, "but he taught you well."

"Did he teach you, too?" She just looked at him. He smiled. "I'm not as good at this detective thing as Corran."

A smile touched her eyes. After a moment she said, "I'll share with you what I can."

"This is difficult for you." Luke paused. "Would it be easier if you permitted me to search your mind? I wouldn't force myself in anywhere you didn't allow."

She assessed him carefully, then leaned back. "Okay. But I don't know how my subconscious will react."

"Consider me warned," said Luke.

He took a calming breath and let himself enter the flow of the Force. He floated beside Alee, letting her become accustomed to his presence. She relaxed and opened herself to him. He sifted through shards of memories, only what Alee allowed, moving back in time. Coruscant. Orphans. Druce Nardo. Tatooine. Ben's hut. Dagobah. He winced at the pain there. Another planet. A black vortex, shot through with flashes of color, cutting off ... everything.

Luke opened his eyes. Alee was watching him.

"What was it?" he asked.

"My future. It's gone now." She smiled sadly. "Nothing but a memory."

"I couldn't get past it. But, it wasn't you stopping me."

"I'm not surprised. It caused a great ... disruption in my life."

"Do you remember what came before?"

"Oh, yes. But like my name, those memories are mine to share with whom I please."

"I would be honored if you would share them with me."

"Maybe someday. When we're both old and it doesn't matter."

"But you have so much to teach me," Luke said.

Alee stood and draped the cloak over her shoulders. She smiled. "Already know you that which you need."

She walked to the door and looked back. "You're a good man, Luke Skywalker. A Master among men." She slipped out.

Luke closed his eyes thoughtfully. Like fitting the pieces of a puzzle together. You shielded your past very well, Alee-Nedra cy Nerac, but I learned more than you thought I could. I think the Force will bring us together again.


Corran looked up. Long black hair pulled back. Deep blue eyes. Clean shaven with a firm jaw. He must be close to two meters. He kept an arm around Mirax and held out a hand. "So you're Dru. Am I ever glad I got Alee back in one piece."

Druce Nardo laughed and squeezed the proffered hand. Corran winced.

Druce slipped his arm around Alee and pulled her close. Corran could feel the strength of their connection and smiled. To Alee, he said, "You're a good fit."

"Yes, we were." She looked into Dru's eyes. "We are."

General Cracken strode up to the group. "Alee, we have to talk. Glad you got this mission wrapped up. I hear from Luke you two really clicked. Worked well together." Four eyebrows shot up. He continued, "You know, I have another mission that might suit the pair of you ..."

Corran threw his hands up in mock surrender. "No way. I'd hand over my X-wing before I work with her again. Stubborn as a gundark."

"Me stubborn?" Alee poked his chest. "You're an arrogant, conceited, pushy ... hero!" She poked again and turned to Cracken. "I will resign from Intel if I ever have to go anywhere with him again."

Corran winked at Alee. She smiled back. The two couples walked away.

General Cracken scratched his head. "Just so long as we all understand one another."



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