Disclaimer: I am only dipping my pen in George's inkwell. No credits, Republic or otherwise, have been exchanged.

Out of the Depths

Chapter 2


I don't know what is wrong with me. Whenever I'm around Qui-Gon my brain melts down - I say foolish things, I do foolish things. Alee groaned inwardly. How will I ever convince Obi-Wan we were just indulging in some harmless fun? The way he looked at me when he interrupted us, you'd think I was a kryat dragon about to devour my prey. Around Qui-Gon I feel ... relaxed, ... comfortable. Is that wrong? Dangerous? Maybe. I don't know. I'll have to be more circumspect.

The three Jedi stood in the entrance forum of the cruiser, waiting for the ramp to be lowered. Alee kept her eyes closed and her focus inwards. Even so, she could sense exactly where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were situated relative to her. One Force signature was relaxed and at peace, and the other was stiff and a little wary. Alee held her own feelings tightly under wraps.

As soon as they had entered the Nekton system, Captain Lekk had started broadcasting a distress signal, letting the planetary security monitors know they were unarmed and in need of repairs. Upon breaching the atmosphere of Nekton IV the cruiser had been sandwiched between two fighter escorts. A shot had been fired across their bow to ensure they stayed on course. Now they sat on the ferrocrete of what appeared to be the planet's only spaceport, waiting for whatever welcome their reluctant hosts were preparing. The captain reported the arrival of several official types and assorted escorts. Nothing overtly hostile. Alee shut the uneasy flutter out of her mind.

The ramp lowered. Alee blinked repeatedly as the forum was flooded with late afternoon light, casting everything below into silhouette. She suspected the ship's landing had been directed to ensure this was the case. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan headed down the incline. Alee followed. The ship's crew stayed out of sight.

They glided between two rows of beings clad in full-length hooded capes of varying hues, primarily light blues, yellows and oranges. Alee scanned them covertly, but their figures were completely covered and their faces were deep in shadow. Irritation was the overriding emotion she picked up. Better than anger. But only one step away.

The trio stopped a short distance from four figures blocking their path. These beings were clad in darker capes, one red, three purple. The small figure in red eased her hood back, revealing an older human female with a regal mien, highlighted by porcelain skin, swept up silver hair and violet eyes. She intertwined her fingers loosely and managed to look down her nose at the three Jedi towering above her.

"Who speaks for you, offworlders?" she asked.

Qui-Gon lowered his hood and executed a slight bow. A ripple of anger washed outward from the woman, pricking Alee's senses. Before Qui-Gon could speak the woman held up her hand.

"Have you no matriarch?" she demanded imperiously.

Qui-Gon froze for a micron, then bowed low, sweeping his hand back as he stepped aside to expose Alee to the female's gaze. Alee noticed Obi-Wan's hesitation before he followed suit.

Qui-Gon's deep voice was conciliatory. "Forgive me. I merely wished to present Mistress Alee, Jedi Knight." He kept his head down.

Alee seized up like a malfunctioning droid. She stared at the strange tableau and found herself at a complete loss. He was the senior Jedi. Why would he relinquish his position to her? The woman's voice thawed her limbs.

"Come forward, mistress. I am Mater Cedony. These are my advisors, Matrons Gadlow, Dectee and Loculla."

As she spoke the three purple hoods were pushed back to reveal middle-aged women, all with the same stately air as Mater Cedony. The tallest, though shorter than Alee by ten centimeters, was almost as dark as Mace Windu. The other two were shorter still, one blond with golden skin, and the other black-haired and pale. The mater was shortest of the four, but there was no doubt she was in charge.

Alee moved forward slowly, unsure of her role. She stopped before Mater Cedony and her mind went blank. Fingers gently lifted her hood back and draped it across her shoulders. Qui-Gon, she sensed. She found her voice.

"Thank you, Mater Cedony, for your kind welcome," said Alee.

"I could hardly turn away travellers in need of help. Though if it had been the usual Republic entourage, I would have been tempted. I am pleased to see evidence of change," replied the mater. "Come. I do not conduct business in the streets. We will retire to the Advisors' Court to discuss your problem."

Alee nodded her acquiescence and fell into step behind the four women. The other two Jedi walked close behind, giving Alee the semblance of protection. Why do I sense the need for caution? I have a bad feeling about this. The group passed through high gates that were the only opening in the thick walls surrounding the small spaceport. Three processional barges hovered outside the gates. Alee and the four leaders rode in the first, followed by the Jedi master, his Padawan and several of the caped honor guard. The remaining honor guard followed in the last barge.

The short ride through the city revealed nothing unusual. Women and children in the streets and marketplaces made it appear a bustling, prosperous city. Something is ... out of balance. She was still trying to pinpoint the problem when they pulled under a large portico and disembarked.

The domed entrance of the palatial building gleamed, every surface pristine and flawless. The honor guard flowed around the Jedi, a garden of color against the all-white interior. Soft whispers wrapped around them, filling the air with a musical shimmer. Mater Cedony waited for Alee to follow. Instead, Alee asked if they could retire to quarters and freshen up.

Mater Cedony ran a critical eye over the trio. "I can certainly see why you wish to make yourself more presentable. Matron Gadlow will show you to our guest accommodations. You have thirty minutes. I presume that will be sufficient."

Alee inclined her head. "You are most kind."

The dark-skinned woman silently led them to a turbolift and up two levels. She glided to a halt outside polished alabaster doors that swung open at her touch. She gave a slight bow and departed the way they had come.

The white apartment was starkly furnished and had two doors leading to separate bedchambers. Alee sat on a repulsor chair and sighed. Qui-Gon surveyed the surroundings with a frown. Obi-Wan inspected the door.

"Does it lock?" asked Qui-Gon.

"Not that I can tell, Master," he replied.

"Why am I not surprised?" Qui-Gon closed his eyes.

"What are the undercurrents I'm sensing?" Alee spoke up. "I know I'm missing something."

"Like men?" asked Obi-Wan.

Alee's glance bounced off the Padawan and landed on Qui-Gon's face. He nodded. Alee frowned. "No men. Something out of balance," she mused.

"Most definitely," agreed Qui-Gon.

"What do we do?" asked Alee.

"Play along for now," said Qui-Gon. "We need those parts for the cruiser."

Alee cocked one eyebrow. "Does that mean I'm in charge?"

"The Force help us," muttered Obi-Wan.

Amusement flashed across Qui-Gon's features. "Of course, you will comport yourself with all the dignity befitting a Jedi Knight. Right, Alee?"

"Without a doubt, Jedi Master Jinn," said Alee.

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. He sank into a chair and a frown creased his forehead. "Did you notice the gate to the spaceport?"

"The scarring?" asked Alee. Obi-Wan nodded.

"Evidence of a battle," said Qui-Gon. "Quite recent, I think."

"Do you think," Alee asked, "that those walls keep outlanders in..."

"Or locals out?" finished Qui-Gon.

Alee stared at Qui-Gon. No one has completed a sentence for me since... She felt Obi-Wan's hot gaze burning into her head. Discomfort licked at her and she jumped to her feet.

"Have to find the 'fresher," she blurted as she darted from the room.

Alee splashed cold water on her face and leaned heavily on the counter. No wonder I like working alone. No personalities to balance. No feelings to complicate things. Her vision blurred and she sank to the floor. She hugged her legs and pressed her forehead to her knees. Confusion swirled through her mind. Alee drew on the Force and sought her center of calm. It was elusive. Turning her focus from herself, she pushed her senses outward and calm rippled through her. The confusion remained tucked in a small corner of her mind. I'll deal with it later. Focus on the mission - that's the key.

Alee returned to the sitting room to find Matron Gadlow waiting to escort them to the Advisors' Court. She sensed Qui-Gon's eyes on her. His expression was one of puzzlement, then concern. She gave him a small smile and nodded to indicate she was under control.

The matron swept her eyes over Alee and frowned. Silence accompanied the foursome to the main floor and into a large circular chamber. Again, the starburst of color was provided by the attire of the women present. Scattered around the outer edges of the room were loungers with single arms. A pleasant hum arose from the young women who reclined on the couches. The center of the room was dominated by a semi-circle of four throne-like chairs that dwarfed the matriarchs seated there.

A hush swept around the room with meteoric speed as the Jedi approached the leaders and stood, Alee a half step ahead. She felt the keen, disapproving gaze of Mater Cedony flick over her, then linger slightly longer on the men.

"Mistress Alee, it is shameful that you should appear in this court thus - dressed in men's clothing. Worse yet, battle clothing." The mater's tone was scathing.

Alee closed her eyes for a micron. "My deepest apologies, Mater Cedony. This is my travel apparel. I have nothing else with me."

"When you appear for the late evening meal, you will be properly attired." She raised her hand. "We will provide something suitable. You are unbecomingly tall, but we will manage."

Alee replied softly, "You are most kind."

"Now. Your ship is in need of repairs."

"Yes, Mater."

"You will be needing parts."

"Yes, Mater," said Alee. She gestured to her right. "Obi-Wan can provide the specifics."

The older woman narrowed her eyes and scrutinized Obi-Wan. Her perusal jumped to Qui-Gon. Long moments later she returned her attention to Alee, nodding thoughtfully.

"The older one is obviously a favored concubine," she observed. Alee fought to keep her face blank. The mater continued, "I had wondered why you would have two trifles. The older one still seems quite vigorous." She paused expectantly.

Alee cleared her throat. "Yes. He possesses great, ah, stamina."

"Indeed," commented Mater Cedony. "Then the younger one must be a valet. An eventual replacement, perhaps."

A quiet cough erupted over her right shoulder.

"But in the meantime," Alee replied with a small smile, "he is very useful, especially when it comes to mechanics." She paused. "Which is why he is in charge of the ship's repairs."

"Yes, of course." The mater motioned to Matron Gadlow. "Take this young one to the tech warehouse and allow him to choose whatever he needs, then escort him to his ship so repairs can begin immediately. The portmistress can supervise the actual repairs."

"Yes, Mater." Gadlow's voice was husky. She motioned to the Padawan and sailed out of the room. Obi-Wan followed with obvious reluctance.

"Shall we discuss terms of payment?" asked Alee.

"No, we shall not," replied Mater Cedony. "That can wait until the repairs are completed."

"You are most kind."

The mater raised her brow. "The evening meal will begin in three hours. That gives you little time to prepare. I will send a mistress to assist you."

Alee inclined her head and turned to leave.

"Mistress Alee?" The mater's voice stopped her and she whirled back around. "As is our custom, I expect your concubine will serve you at the meal. I will forgo expecting him to wear the usual costume, as I know we could not find suitable clothing in his size."

With a bow, Alee headed to the door, cloak billowing around her. She avoided looking at Qui-Gon.

The apartment doors swung closed silently. Alee tossed her cloak on a chair and turned slowly.

"That went well, don't you think?" Her voice was hesitant.

Qui-Gon strode across the room and towered over her with his hands on his hips. Alee's eyes widened a fraction at the air of intimidation the Jedi Master projected. He opened his mouth and closed it. His jaw clenched. Speechless? A smile crept onto her lips and he scowled.

When he found his voice it was barely audible. "Great stamina?"

Chin thrust out, Alee glared back. "You told us to play along."

His voice grew louder. "I possess great stamina?"

"Well, you do." At his sneer, Alee retreated a small step. "At least when you fight." She paused and raised her eyebrows. "I wouldn't know about anything else."

Qui-Gon glared at her for thirty long seconds. His hands dropped and his shoulders started to shake. The tension leaked out of Alee's fingertips and she smiled. Qui-Gon shook his head and chuckled.

"Mace tried to warn me, but did I listen? Oh, no, not me." He groaned. "He never dreamed what kind of trouble you'd spark. I will never live this down."

Alee planted her fists on her hips. "I didn't spark anything." Her face grew quizzical. "I simply ... didn't disavow the mater of her ... odd notions."

Another chuckle burst forth. "Poor Obi-Wan. I thought he was going to choke."

"I would've loved to have seen his face. He may never forgive me."

"He'll be fine. He has a better sense of humor than you've been witness to these past days." Qui-Gon turned thoughtful. "I only hope he gets the parts he needs. The sooner we're out of here the better."

"I can't argue about that," said Alee.

"Sometimes," he said, as a twinkle lit his eye, " I think you could argue about anything."


"So, why didn't you push the payment issue? I don't like the obligatory position we're being forced into."

"I don't like it either, but it didn't seem wise to force it until Obi-Wan gets going on the repairs."

"True." He frowned. "But what kind of payment will they want?"

An impish delight bubbled up in Alee. Unable to resist, she sidled over to Qui-Gon, placed her hands flat on his chest and looked up. "Maybe the mater would be happy with services rendered? She seemed quite taken with you."

He growled and trapped her hands. Her wrists burned where he held them. She was sure she was branding his chest, that if she looked her palms would be coated with charcoal. The air thickened and she concentrated on each labored breath. Staring straight ahead brought her eyes in line with his lips, firm and taut. Under her stare, they softened almost imperceptibly. Her gaze shot to his and she froze, a wild animal caught in a laser beam trap. His face lowered excruciatingly slowly and her eyes widened as those fathomless blue pools drew closer. Their noses brushed. Alee felt his breath on the corner of her mouth.

A thump made them freeze. A sigh broke them apart. Alee felt heat staining her cheeks. She brushed her hands on her cloak and turned to face a blond, dreamy-eyed creature, impossibly beautiful and staring at Qui-Gon. Annoyance welled up and Alee crossed her arms and cleared her throat. Twice.

"You are the child sent to help me dress, I presume?" Alee asked. She caught a glimpse of Qui-Gon's amused look and pushed her irritation aside. "I don't need your help. I am perfectly capable of dressing myself."

Sky-blue eyes grew alarmed. "Oh, but I must help. The mater bade me do so."

Alee rolled her eyes. "Fine. You have what you need? Let's get this over with."

She motioned to the bedchamber. The handmaiden moved slowly forward and her eyes lingered on Qui-Gon for a moment before she stepped through the doorway. Alee let her vexation leak into the glance she shot at the Jedi Master. His shoulders shook and she slammed the door.




That was a mistake. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I know it was a mistake. What was I thinking? That's the problem, I wasn't thinking. She was so close and smelled so intoxicating and her touch was so searing... Qui-Gon groaned and walked to the large window. He stared unseeing into the floodlit gardens below. His sigh was filled with the knowledge that it was going to be a very long night.

After two hours of Jedi relaxation exercises Qui-Gon felt completely rested, and anxious. He paced the floor - twelve paces to the door, twelve back, start over. What is taking them so long? What in the galaxy do women do to get ready for an evening? He headed for the bedchamber door and stopped. With a sigh he stripped off his cloak and settled on the nearest repulsor chair. Patience. He focused inward and wrapped himself in a blanket of serenity.

Ten minutes later he came to attention when a whispered, "Your mistress is ready," reached his ears. He turned to see the young attendant slip to the door and cast him one last look over her shoulder before she disappeared. He waited a minute but Alee did not appear.

Qui-Gon strode to the bedchamber and leaned on the doorjamb. He crossed his arms, ready to cajole Alee into hurrying. His eyes grew wide. His voice caught in his throat. Alee stood in the middle of the room with a lost expression. Her braid was gone, replaced by a riotous mass of curls on the top of her head. The long slender curve of her neck gave her a deceptive air of delicacy. She appeared to be floating in a diaphanous swirl of shimmersilk that shifted from russet to gold and back as she moved. Matching slippers peeked out from beneath the jagged hemline.

His eyes roved back up the dress and stopped at the neckline, which dipped alarmingly low. The dress seemed to be held up by two tenuous threads of silk. Qui-Gon frowned and raised his gaze to her face. Her normally healthy complexion had a golden glow he had never noticed before. Tears gathered on her eyelashes and threatened to break loose. A surge of protectiveness washed over him as he sensed her aura of vulnerability.

"What are you looking at?" Her voice trembled.

"The most amazing transformation," Qui-Gon whispered as he eased away from the wall. "The angry mynock that flapped into this room has shed its chrysalis, and has metamorphosed into ... into ... a delicate and winsome creature."

She stamped her foot. "You are not helping."

He moved closer. "How can I help?"

"You have to find me something suitable to wear." Her eyes darted around the room. "I can't be seen in this. It ... it moves against my skin like a whisper." Qui-Gon raised his eyebrows. She continued, "I feel ... naked."

Now there's a hologram. He smiled.

"Stop that!"

He stepped in front of her and clasped her shoulders. "Alee, you look glorious. Amazing. Don't be afraid of that."

"I'm not afraid." She frowned. "Don't you understand? This isn't me. I've never been..."

"Beautiful?" he prompted.

She rolled her eyes. "To say the least. At the Temple the boys used to call me Tarmac - not a curve in sight."

Qui-Gon smiled. "You were thirteen at most. Believe me, the most seasoned pilot would be distracted by the curves I see. The standard Jedi tunic leaves everything to the imagination. I had no idea what was hidden beneath those baggy clothes."

She frowned and pushed him away. "As I said, you are not helping."

"Well, it's too late to change, even if we could find something," he pointed out. "So you might as well resign yourself to looking extraordinary for the rest of the evening."

"But there isn't even anywhere to fasten my lightsaber."

"Now you're stalling." He snatched the weapon off the bed and tucked it horizontally under his sash so it was a tubular lump. "I will be with you the whole time. If you need your lightsaber, I'll toss it to you. Though I think they will probably have cutting instruments at the table."

"You are despicable," she muttered.

"You are remarkable," he replied. And are always finding a new way to surprise me.


Qui-Gon had to press on the small of her back to urge Alee into the dining hall.

"Tell me why we have to do this," she whispered.

"So our ship, with Obi-Wan in it, doesn't get blasted off its landing pad," he whispered back.

"I need your help, Qui-Gon. Don't let me say anything too foolish."

"I am your humble servant, Mistress Alee."

She snorted.

The two Jedi walked down the central aisle that was flanked on each side by long tables. One-armed loungers protruded at right angles from the outside edges of the tables. Women perched on the couches like a row of colorful tropical birds. The daggered looks they flung at Alee brought to Qui-Gon's mind the barbarous gauntlets warriors still had to face on some planets. He smiled inwardly at the dignified manner with which she bore, and ignored, the looks.

A little more than a meter behind the row of loungers were evenly spaced columns. Between the columns stood the men servants. Even in his mind Qui-Gon stumbled over the word, concubines. He was relieved he remained in his tan tunic, dark leggings and boots, as the men were shirtless and barefoot, wearing only snug animal-hide breeches and matching straps that crossed over their chests. The thing that bothered him the most was the collar each man wore. He had seen them before. Electro-collars. Remotely triggered, they could kill the wearer instantly. He seethed inwardly.

Alee was motioned to join the head table. Qui-Gon took position behind her and imitated the actions of the other servers. Through four courses the women plied Alee with questions about the Republic. They frowned over Alee's abysmal lack of knowledge regarding fashions. They twittered over the goings-on of famous beings. They politely argued over political issues and intrigues. Pride cushioned his thoughts when he saw how well Alee comported herself with creatures of power. But it was pride tinged with confusion. He didn't like the idea of her fitting in with these women. And outwardly she did fit in, except for the fact that she was taller, even, than any of the men present. Earlier, he had been stunned by her transformation from average to beautiful. But in this setting, she was, once again, average. Qui-Gon was struck by the beauty of every person in the room, and not a little concerned. What did Alee say before? Something out of balance. Definitely.

With dessert, came the first beverage other than water. A sweet-smelling wine. Qui-Gon wrinkled his nose and poured a little into her goblet. She was about to take a sip, but stopped just shy of her lips. Everyone else at the table poured a drop into a saucer beside their goblet and set the cup back on the table. Alee recovered and did the same. Seconds later, two feline creatures hopped onto the table and stopped at each saucer in turn. As soon as the animal had licked at the liquid, the woman at that setting would smile and lift her goblet to her lips. A test for poison. Interesting. Qui-Gon filed the incident in his mind and kept his face blank. When the animals had hopped off the table, Alee took a sip of the wine and wrinkled her nose. She returned to drinking water.

Conversation turned, at last, to Nekton IV.

"How long has your planet been a matriarchy?" asked Alee.

"Through all living memory," replied Mater Cedony. "Of course, even our system of rule has evolved and improved."

"Yes. You have a very beautiful society, Mater," Alee commented.

The mater gave her a small smile. "We make it so."

Alee raised one brow and watched the older woman expectantly.

She continued, "Only the most pleasing of the males are considered as concubines. We keep very careful track of our lineages."

Qui-Gon looked hard at Alee. Tread carefully, my friend.

Alee nodded thoughtfully. "One can see the effects of your, ah, program. What do you do with the men that don't qualify? I don't recall seeing any other males in the city at all."

A hard look settled in the mater's eyes. "We are a society of gentleness and grace. Males are brutes. They are where they belong - outside the city in the fields and quarries."

Qui-Gon watched Alee go very still. Now is not the time to challenge, Alee.

"Are they there by choice?" she asked softly.

The mater shifted and nodded at Alee's wine. "You have not drained your chalice, Mistress Alee. That is considered a grave breach of trust in this court."

The tension drained from Qui-Gon's muscles when Alee let herself be sidetracked.

"My apologies, Mater Cedony. My intent was not to insult."

Alee lifted the cup and took a drink. Qui-Gon watched her swallow hard and smiled. She drained the cup and held it out. Qui-Gon moved forward to take it from her. As he turned away he brushed the lounger of the blond matron called Dectee.

She struck like a viper. The electro-pulse seared into his kidney, then exploded through his body like a star gone nova. A cry was wrenched from deep inside as he fell. At the same instant, he sensed Alee standing protectively above him. So much anger. He moaned and rolled onto his back. Alee towered menacingly over the tiny blond woman. Qui-Gon drew on the Force and projected his thoughts outward. Hear me, Alee. Let go your anger. He sensed the darkness bleed away.

Alee's voice remained dangerous and low. "Where I come from, Matron, it is a serious offence to touch someone else's servant, whether in punishment or reward. I am more tolerant than most and will serve you this warning. If it happens again, I would just as soon slide a vibroblade between your ribs as deal with you politely. Do I make myself clear?"

Alee grabbed the offending electro-jabber from the shocked woman's hand and tossed it on the table. She bent to help Qui-Gon to his feet. His muscles wailed and refused to cooperate. He sagged, then leaned heavily on Alee.

"Mistress Alee." The mater's tone was sharp. Alee looked over her shoulder at the glowering woman. The mater continued, "That was a most unseemly display of barbarism. I will excuse you only because you were obviously raised on a brutish planet."

Alee was silent for a moment. "The veneer of civilization is very thin on some worlds." She inclined her head. "If you will excuse me, Mater, I must tend to Qui-Gon's injuries."

Qui-Gon was recovered before they reached the floor housing their suite. He let Alee continue to assist him, with her arm wrapped tightly around his waist and her body pressed against his own. She was right. Shimmersilk does feel like a whisper. Alee guided him to the bedchamber and urged him to sit. She swung his feet up on the bed, forcing him to recline or fall over. He leaned back and clasped his fingers behind his head.

His voice stopped her undoing his boots. "I'm fine now, Alee."

She narrowed her eyes and scanned his body, probing with the Force.

"But I appreciated your assistance." He smiled.

She planted her hands on her hips. "I'll bet. The question is: Did you even need it?"

Alee began to pace the room. He sensed her tension building. She muttered something.

"What's that?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Slaves," she blurted. "The men are slaves. She accused me of being brutish and she has enslaved half the population of her planet."

He swung his legs onto the floor. "I doubt she personally enslaved them, she merely continued what another started."

"How can you stay so calm about this?"

"What does being upset achieve?"

She stopped and faced him. "How long have you known?"

"As soon as I saw the men. Those electro-collars told me everything I needed to know."

She frowned. "I've never seen one, only heard of them." She resumed pacing.

"Your desire for justice is flaring," Qui-Gon observed. "This is not the time, Alee."

"And when is the time, Qui-Gon? After they've slapped those collars on you and Obi-Wan?" Her pace increased. "I've seen the way they are eyeing you up. Prime breeding stock, both of you. This is intolerable."

Alee jumped in the air, spun and viciously kicked the alabaster foot board of the bed. She crumpled onto the floor and cradled her foot, her face clenched in pain. Qui-Gon knelt by her and took the foot in his hands, kneading it gently.

She sucked air in through clenched teeth. "Blasted slippers. I forgot I wasn't wearing my boots."

He raised his eyebrows. "Do you feel any better?"

She winced and leaned against the bed. "Loads."

Qui-Gon chuckled softly and continued his massage.

The door swung open. Both Jedi looked up. The young woman that had assisted Alee earlier stood in the doorway watching the pair with interest.

"The mater bade me come and prepare the bedchamber," she said.

Without waiting for an answer, she bustled into the room and turned back the bed covers. The two Jedi stood up and watched her plump pillows. Alee limped to a corner chair and sat so she could rotate her foot. Qui-Gon stood, arms akimbo. The girl looked around the room and nodded, then turned her eyes to Qui-Gon and sighed.

She stepped up to him and deftly undid his belt. He sputtered. She whisked around to his back and undid the sash. Alee's lightsaber fell to the floor. Qui-Gon felt heat rush into his cheeks.

"Miss, I do not need..." He shot a 'help me' glance at Alee. Her wide eyes perfectly matched her smile. He narrowed his eyes. You are not helping.

The girl set the sash aside and pulled the tunic off his shoulders. She grabbed one wrist and slipped his arm out of his sleeve.

"Please stop," he ground out. He heard Alee's chuckle and ignored it.

The handmaiden glided around to his other side and extracted his other arm. He stood shirtless and at a total loss. What do you say when you've just been disrobed? I don't recall the Temple trainers covering that lesson.

"It's too bad you weren't attired like the other men this evening, Qui-Gon," Alee said with a grin. "I had no idea what was hidden beneath those baggy clothes."

He scowled.

"Indeed," breathed the handmaiden. "Such a fine specimen."

The girl moved to face Qui-Gon again. She grabbed the waistband of his pants. He snagged her hands and bellowed, "Enough!"

The girl looked shocked. She stepped back with tears in her eyes.

"B-but," she stammered, "I'm just preparing you for your mistress."

Qui-Gon glowered at her and she shrank back further. Humiliation coursed through his veins and he struggled to regain his composure. Alee moved forward and draped her arm across the girl's shoulders.

"Don't be alarmed," Alee soothed the girl. "When you do what we would rather do ourselves, you take away part of our pleasure."

"I, I did not realize undressing could be part..." the handmaiden flushed.

"Oh, yes," Alee assured her. "Please go. We need no other help tonight."

The girl fled.

Alee put her hands on her hips and frowned. "You terrified the girl."

His eyes opened wide. "She was stripping me naked."

Alee smiled. "Yes, she was, wasn't she?"

"You are not helping."

She tapped her chin. "Now, where have I heard that before?"

"Turnabout is fair play, I suppose?" Qui-Gon arched one eyebrow.

"Most definitely," she agreed. Her eyes drifted down to his chest hair.

He felt the heat of her gaze and groaned inwardly. "Stop that, Alee," he growled.

Her eyes snapped back to his and alarm riddled their depths. She jerked around to look out the window. I've embarrassed her. Blast. I can't say anything right, tonight.

The door swung open and sent a wave of irritation rolling over Qui-Gon.

"What do you want now?" Qui-Gon spun around. "Obi-Wan. I thought you were someone else. I wasn't expecting you."

Obi-Wan looked from his Master to Alee's back. What does he see? Qui-Gon turned and saw Alee, a figure clad in shimmersilk with hair swept up. She kept her back to them. He doesn't recognize her. He turned back to see Obi-Wan struggling to clear his face of shock.

"I've disturbed you, Master." Obi-Wan shuffled his feet. "I'll come back later."

"No," said Alee, turning, "I think you should stay, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan's mouth dropped open. The look of horror he gave Qui-Gon caused Alee to flush.

Qui-Gon frowned. "Conclusions are dangerous things to jump to, Padawan."

Obi-Wan looked pointedly at Qui-Gon's bare chest and Alee's attire and back to Qui-Gon. He hesitated before saying, "Yes, Master."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes for a moment and reached for his center of calm. He perched on the foot board of the bed and crossed his arms. He watched Obi-Wan searching for a place to rest his eyes, then looked at Alee, who wore an air of vulnerability once again. Maybe it's a good thing you came, Obi-Wan.

"Why have you come, Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Your comlink is turned off. I thought you would want an update on our progress." Obi-Wan paused. "And I felt a momentary disturbance in the Force about 20 or 30 minutes ago. I was concerned for your safety, Master. It took me this long to get here."

Qui-Gon nodded. "About the time I had a rather shocking experience. I'm fine, but thank you for coming. So ... update me, please."

Obi-Wan pulled his eyes away from Alee. "Right. We need one more day, Master. I expect we will be finished by this time tomorrow evening. They had all the parts we need. And the portmistress has been most helpful."

"Good," said Qui-Gon. "Though I'd prefer you finish sooner, if at all possible. I sense we need to get away from this place. Don't let any of the locals know how far along the repairs are, Padawan. I think we should let them think it is taking even longer than you expect, eight or ten hours longer at least." He paused. "When the repairs are complete, signal us, but work on something else and make it appear to be additional necessary repairs."

"Yes, Master. May I ask why?"

Alee stepped forward. "I think Qui-Gon is assuming we will have to slip away unexpectedly."

Obi-Wan frowned. "Things are deteriorating?"

"Somewhat," said Qui-Gon. "We must be cautious."
